The Foster Parent Licensing Process: What Does It Look Like?

Becoming a foster parent is not as hard as some people make it out to be. Yes, it is an intense process, but it is necessary to ensure that these kids are being placed in safe homes with loving parents who can care for their needs. If you have a desire to become a foster parent, here are is what you may have to look forward to in your near future.

The Top STEAM Child Day Care Center Parents Have Answered

What is STEAM in the child daycare center setting? If you've heard of this acronym, but aren't sure what it means, take a look at the top early childhood STEAM questions parents have answered. Is STEAM Only for Older Children? Even though STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art, and math) may seem like it includes complex or sophisticated subjects, these areas are perfect for preschoolers — provided the educator adapts the concepts to the child's developmental level.